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Hack The Box - Bastion

·468 words·3 mins
Write-up for Bastion from Nmap #Starting off with nmap we use nmap -sV -sC -A shows 22, 139, 445, 135 are open. Basically, we gonna use smbclient for further enumeration.

Vulnhub - Tempus Fugit

·1415 words·7 mins
Writeup for Tempus Fugit by 4ndr34z and DCUA7. Foreword #This machine had a internal network/machine that was our real target and it teaches you about how reconnaisance can often lead you to the vulnerable machine in a network.

Vulnhub - Tr0ll:1

·483 words·3 mins
Today, we are going to pwn Troll:1 from Vulnhub by maleus. Nmap #Running a nmap scan on the machine for analysing the services running on the machine.

Vulnhub - Symfonos 3

·863 words·5 mins
This is a walkthrough of Symfonos 3 which is 3rd machine in Symfonos series. Nmap #Let’s scan the network and start working on the machine right away.

Vulnhub - dpwnn1

·273 words·2 mins
Writeup for VulnHub’s Dpwwn machine. Nmap #Starting off with the nmap, using nmap -sV -sC -A shows us that 22, 80 and 3306 i.e. SSH, HTTP, MySQL are open respectively.

ROP - ret2libc attack

·1873 words·9 mins
Today, I will show you how to use Return Oriented Programming for doing a ret2libc attack. Foreword #This is much more harder than what we encountered earlier, unlike before we won’t have any function preloaded with strings like /bin/cat flag.