This blog post will teach you basics of ROP i.e. how to use tools efficiently.
Overview #This post is more practical, so tag along with radare2, pwntools, gdb and ropper ready.
Today, we are going to pwn Pumpkin Festival from Vulnhub.
Nmap #Starting off with the nmap using nmap -sV -sC -A -p- -T5 reveals that we have FTP, HTTP and SSH at 6880.
This blog post will let you know about the ROP or Return Oriented Programming.
What is ROP? #Return Oriented Programming is a modern method of exploiting a binary that will allow us to take control of the stack and the abuse program’s control flow by the help of gadgets.
Today, we are going to pwn Symfonos 2 from Vulnhub.
Nmap #Starting off with Nmap, using nmap -sV -sC -A -p- -T5 shows that we have FTP, SSH, HTTP and SMB port.
Today, we are going to pwn PumpkinrRaising from Vulnhub.
Nmap #Starting off with nmap and using nmap -sV -sC -A -p- -T5 shows that only 2 ports are opren 22, 80.
Today, we are going to pwn Friendzone from Hack The Box.
Methodology # Nmap scan of the machine Checking SMB service and HTTP Using dig to get subdomians Uploading PHP reverse shell Callback the reverse shell by exploiting LFI(Local File Inclusion) Getting user flag and SSH credentials Using cronjob to get root flag Nmap #Starting off with the nmap, nmap -sV -sC -A 10.
Today, we are going to pwn Symfonos from Vulnhub.
Machine Setup #Nothing much to setup in the machine, just import it to Virtualbox and choose the networking setting as per your ease, I chose the Bridge Networking as it’s easy to setup.